Vakra means twisted. In this asana, the spine is twisted which has a rejuvenating effect on its functioning.


  • Bend the right leg, and place the right foot beside the left knee.
  • As you exhale, twist the body to the right.
  • Bring the left arm around the right knee and clasp the right big toe or place the palm beside right foot.
  • Take the right arm back and keep the palm on the ground with the back straight.
  • Remain in the posture for 10-30 seconds with normal breathing and relax.
  • Take out your hands with exhalation and relax.
  • Repeat the sameon the other side.


  • Increases flexibility of the spine.
  • Helps to overcome constipation, dyspepsia.
  • Stimulates pancreas and helps in the management of diabetes.

A Word of Caution

  • Please avoid this posture in case of severe back pain, vertebral and disc disorders, after abdominal surgery and during menstruation.