Pavan means wind and mukta means to release or to make free. As the name suggests, this asana is useful in removing wind or flatulence from the stomach and intestines.


  • Lie down flat on the back.
  • Bend both the knees and bring the thighs to the chest.
  • Interlock the fingers and clasp the shin below knees.
  • Exhale; rise the head till your chin touches the knees and relax.
  • This is Pavanamuktasana.
  • Bring the head back to the ground.
  • While exhaling, lower the legs to the floor.
  • Rest in Savasana.


  • Synchronise your breathing with the leg movement.
  • While touching the knee with the nose/ forehead, you should be able to feel the lumbar region stretch; keep the eyes closed and focus your attention on the lumbar region.


  • Removes constipation; gives relief from flatulence, decreases the bloating sensation in the abdomen and aids digestion.
  • Offers deep internal pressure, massage and stretching of the highly complicated network of muscles, ligaments and tendons in the pelvis and waist region.
  • It tones up the back muscles and spinal nerves.

A Word of Caution

  • Please avoid this practice in case of abdominal injuries, hernia, sciatica or severe back pain and during pregnancy.