Tada means palm tree or mountain. This asana teaches one to attain stability and firmness and forms the base for all the standing asana.


Stand with feet 2 inches apart.

  • Interlock the fingers, and turn the wrist outwards.
  • Now inhale, raise the arms up
  • Bring them in line with the shoulders.
  • Raise the heels off the floor and balance on the toes.
  • Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Exhale, bring the heels down.
  • Release the interlock of the fingers and bring the arms down parallel to the trunk, and come back to standing posture.


  • This asana brings stability in the body, helps to clear up congestion of the spinal nerves, and corrects faulty posture.
  • Helps to increase height up to a certain age.

A word of caution

  • Avoid lifting the toes in case of acute cardiac problems varicose veins and vertigo.