Uṣṭra means camel. The final version of this asana resembles the hump of a camel. In this version, only the first stage (half) of the asana is being practiced.


  • Sit in Vajrasana
  • Now stand on your knees.
  • Place the hands on the waist with fingers pointing downward.
  • Keep the elbows and shoulders parallel.
  • Bend the head back and stretch the neck muscles; inhale and bend the trunk backwards as much as possible. As you exhale, relax.
  • Keep the thighs perpendicular to the ground.
  • Remain in the posture for 10-30 seconds with normal breathing.
  • Return with inhalation; sit in Vajrasana
  • Relax in Viṣhramasana.


  • If you can reach the heels, you can place your hands on them and bend backwards. This is called Uṣtrasana


  • Relieves constipation and back pain.
  • Increases blood circulation to the head and cardiac region.

A Word of Caution

  • In case of hernia and abdominal injuries, arthritis, vertigo and pregnancy, please avoid doing this asana.